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Web Hosting - Is a Dedicated Server Worth What You Pay? In reviewing web hosting plans, many web site owners are faced at some point with the decision of whether or not to pay for a dedicated server. A dedicated server is one which holds your site(s) exclusively. It's not shared with other sites. You then have the option to put one site or many on that piece of hardware. But the decision is never easy. There are multiple considerations to take into account, far beyond just the higher dollar outlay that inevitably accompanies a dedicated server option. Performance is (or should be) a prime consideration for the majority of site owners. Studies show that when a page doesn't load within about 10 seconds or less, almost everyone will give up and go elsewhere. The delay may be caused at any of a hundred different points in the chain between the server and the user. But often, it's the server itself. In any case, it's important to eliminate the server as a possible bottleneck, since it's one of the few points over which the site owner can exercise some control. That need for control extends further than just performance, however. Other aspects of the user experience can benefit or suffer from server behavior. Security is a prime example. With the continuing prevalence of spam and viruses, a server can easily get infected. Having only your site(s) on a single server makes that issue much easier to deal with. With fewer sites on a server, there is less likelihood of getting infected in the first place. Also, since you will place a higher value on security than many others, it's easier to keep a dedicated server clean and your site well protected. You can use best practices in security to fortify your site. Having other sites on the server that you don't control raises the odds that your efforts are for nothing. One way your efforts can get watered down is through IP address sharing. Less sophisticated hosting services will often assign a single IP address to a single server and multipe sites. That means your site is sharing the same IP address with other domains. That leaves you vulnerable in several ways. Virus or spam attacks may target a particular IP address. If you have the same one as another site, one that is more likely to attract hostile intentions, you suffer for and with someone else. In other cases an IP address range is assigned to the server, with each site receiving its own address from within that range. Though better than the one IP:server scenario, this still presents a vulnerability. Many attacks try a range of IP addresses, not just a single one. But even legitimate sources can give you trouble when you share an IP address or a range. If another site engages in behavior that gets it banned, you can suffer the same fate if they ban the address or range. If the miscreant that shares your server/IP address or range is himself a spammer for example, and gets blacklisted, you can inadvertently be banned along with him. Using a dedicated server can overcome that problem. There's a certain comfort level in knowing what is installed on the server you use, and knowing that you alone put it there. But a dedicated server option may require increased administration on your part. If you're not prepared to deal with that, you may have to pay still more to have your dedicated server managed by someone else. All these factors have to be weighed carefully when considering a dedicated server plan.

Yes, There Really is a Freebie Santa Claus If you are a cynic when it comes to offers of free stuff, you are not alone. Everyone has had notions like “there is no such thing as a free lunch” and “if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is” drilled into their heads, and for good reason – these things often hold water. On the flip side, there ARE actually lots of places you can score some decent free stuff, if you know where to look and are willing to devote some time to hunting them down. The key to getting the best free stuff with the least amount of hassle is to stick with that healthy cynicism but to also dipping your toe in the freebie pool little by little. But why would anyone give stuff away for free? It is certainly an obvious question, but if you stop to consider it for a moment, you can see that companies actually have a lot of motivation to give away free stuff. After all, if they give you something for free, you are bound to have a little soft spot for their company, and when you are ready to part with some cash, their product may near the top of your list. Also, by giving away free things, companies can convince people to try new products. You might not want to try a new kind of shampoo if you have to pay for it, but you’d certainly be willing to give a free sample a try. You may end up loving it and switching to that shampoo for good, turning you into a paying customer. Another reason a company might give you free stuff is to complete market research. This is where getting free things can get a little complicated for some people because the products may not cost you money, but the offer may cost you a little time. A company might ask you to take a survey of your buying habits before they give you a free offer, or they may ask you to provide feedback on a regular basis as you try their product for free. Some people balk at the time commitment required here, but for other people, filling out some paperwork is a small price to pay for some free stuff. Of course, to convert you into a customer or to communicate with you about market research, a company will have to contact you, which is complicated area number two for freebie lovers. You will almost always be forced to hand over your email address in order to cash in on a free offer, and that is a recipe for opening your inbox up to a barrage of spam (many companies sell your email address to offset the costs of their free promotions, which means the number of people soliciting you can go through the roof very quickly). If you want to avoid this downside of freebie hunting, set up a special email address specifically for your freebie deals. That way all of your spam goes to this one address and your regular email you use with family and friends remains free and clear. One final note of caution about free stuff online: a lot of scammers have hit on the idea of using pretend freebie offers to solicit personal information about people or to convince people to send them money. Don’t send money, even for postage, to a company you don’t know and never, ever give out personal information online. No reputable company is going to ask for your social security number or bank account details for a freebie offer, so don’t hand them out to anyone. When in doubt, skip it and move to the next freebie.

Software copyright buy For Software Copyright Buy Locally To gain permission to use software copyright, buy the software. This sounds like such a simple solution and yet I know this isn't always as easy as it seems. Software is expensive, largely due to misuse and abuses of the past and the average consumer can't always afford to buy the software package and product he or she needs for business or pleasure. It is important when setting priorities for software purchases that you don't limit all your purchases to pleasurable pursuits. When making copyright software buy, be sure that you are getting the best possible product for your money. I've seen so many people spend foolishly for one product because it is the most common product on the market when another less expensive product would have been completely adequate at far less than half the price. Most people never use the bells and whistles they pay for when purchasing software. The best way to be sure that you are getting the best copyright software buy you can possibly get is to make a list of things you need your software to do, the things you'd like it to, and find all the software on the market that does those things. Find the one with the lowest cost and the most necessary features and let that be the software you decide to purchase. Don't make these decisions on the spur of the moment as you will almost always cost yourself more money in the long run. Another way to insure that you are getting a great copyright software buy is by comparing prices at local and online stores before making the purchase. You might be surprised by where you will find the lowest price (also keep in mind shipping costs when purchasing online they do swing the vote sometimes). Comparative pricing can save you hundreds of dollars in the course of a year on personal software and quite literally thousands of dollars each year on professional software. Be sure to make those decisions wisely as money spent poorly is money that could have been spent elsewhere. You should always remember when comparing prices and searching for the deal of the century when it comes to copyright software buy from a reputable source. This shouldn't have to be said but it really must be said. You would be amazed at how many people have received pirated software from purchases they've made online. This is an especially bad things for business deals in which the software was needed rather than personal software that was merely wanted and looked forward to. In business you could very well loose your investment in the pirated software as well valuable time getting the copyright software buy you actually needed in the first place. While the costs of doing business locally are often more expensive than it can be online I do recommend that for some purchases, particularly copyright software buy locally even if it is a little more costly. It's nice to know that there's a person on the other side if something goes wrong and that they want your business and want people in the community to respect their business. In other words local businesses are much more likely to give the personal touch and protect their reputations by doing the right thing. There are many other reasons that buying locally is good for you and your business buying needs. Buying locally for your business will establish your business locally (this is especially good if you don't have a huge presence or massive storefront from which to advertise). It also helps you make important business contacts in order to help your local business grow. For your copyright software buy locally to have some degree of assurance about the product you are getting.